Update from the last newsletter from some gardeners

‘It was too long’ ……. ‘Not eye catching’

‘A bit boring’……… Sorry! There was a lot to update you all on!

On a positive …… ‘it’s a good idea’…………. ‘a great way to keep us informed and updated’ …………….. ‘ I like the idea of sharing tips and advice’!

Summer Gatherings

From 2pm onwards for allotment tenants and their families only.

Posters are displayed on the notice boards on site.

There will be a special guest judging the scarecrow competition!

Best wonky veg competition (I hear parsnips are one of this year’s best wonky veg) and the best newcomer competition!!

Permission Request Forms

To reduce the amount of paper Gainsborough Town Council use, it has been decided to add all the ‘Allotment Permission Requests’ to the Gainsborough Town Council Website, so if you needed a new shed, fence, pond  etc, you can access all the relevant permission forms here, Allotments – Gainsborough Town Council (gainsborough-tc.gov.uk).

You can complete them online, through the secure website or by using the word document. Please note, paper copies are also available for those who don’t like to complete forms online.

Showcase Garden

Many thanks to those of you that have forwarded me photos of your gardens from start to completion to showcase here.

I am hoping showing these gardens will support all you newcomers on the allotment site and that when you are planning your garden to appreciate it is not a sprint more so a marathon and a labour of love to achieve the optimum results!

Many thanks to Kevin for sharing his photos.

Allocation Day – 22nd May 2023

Overgrown allotment with a shed
Overgrown side view of the allotment

Summer 2023 – Planning the garden, a great way to start

Levelled and partially cleaned allotment
Strimmed grass, painted shed, new path and borders placed.

Look at it now!

Rows of growing plants

WOW……. What a transformation …….

Wise words from Kevin

 ‘Clearing the garden took me approximately six weeks. I would come down four days a week for approximately four hours each day to get the garden cleared and prepped.

I now maintain my garden by spending six- eight hours a week, spread over the week.  I also drag rake it to keep the weeds down. In winter I don’t do anything other than drag rake it to keep any weeds at bay’

‘Consistency is the key’!

Plants in box borders covered with blue netting

 Kevin’s garden is one of many for me to share. There will be another garden featured in the next newsletter due September where a completely different method is used, however is also a great example.

Many gardeners do things differently however things everyone have in common are,

  • They plan their garden
  • They prep their garden
  • They appreciate its trial and error
  • They love what they do
  • They appreciate consistency is key
  • They know it’s a marathon not a sprint!     

If you’re interested in having an allotment, you can apply by clicking here.

Alternatively, if you want to apply for any allotment permissions, view our current allotment policies or generally find out more about Gainsborough Town Council allotments, please see more here:

Allotments – Gainsborough Town Council (gainsborough-tc.gov.uk)