This weekend was the 2024 Foxby Hill summer gathering, included was competitions for best newcomer and best scarecrow.

A group of Foxby Hill allotmenteers who took part in the summer gathering

Best Newcomer Competition

1st Place for Foxby Hill Best Newcomer

Best Scarecrow Competition

1st Place for best scarecrow - made out of plant pots with a sign that reads: "We're for the plant pot liberation army'
2nd Place for Best Scarecrow - dressed in blue trousers and a checkered shirt propped up on a fence
3rd Place for best scarecrow - stood upright wearing a blue shirt, blue har with painted eyes and nose.

The above were awarded first, second and third place in the scarecrow competition but we’d also like to share some of the other creative creations on-site:

A painted wooden scarecrow, with small crows on the arms and a sign that reads 'Crow Patrol'
A scarecrow dressed in a halloween style onesie
Small scarecrow with a green hat and orange dungarees perched on fencing
Two scarecrows stood in the middle of an allotment - one wearing a yellow dress, the other wearing dungarees and a plaid shirt.

Thank you to everyone that attended!

Foxby Hill allotmenteers - some stood up, some others sat under a canopy