Gainsborough Town Council is saddened to announce that there has been continued criminal damage to the public toilets and play equipment in Richmond Park over the weekend.

The toilets were damaged with the plumbing being attacked and toilet roll being strewn all over the park. Should such criminal damage continue, the difficult decision may be taken to close the public toilets in Richmond Park. The council will do all within its powers to keep Richmond Park public toilets open during the school summer holidays and asks for members of the public to be vigilant and report all suspicious activity to the police.

Unfortunately, the pirate ship in Richmond Park has again the target of criminal damage. In recent weeks, vandalism to the ship’s wheel and mast required their removal on safety grounds. This weekend, the criminal damage reached a peak with a minority of young park users repeatedly kicking at the pirate ship, resulting in severe structural damage. The pirate ship is now closed to use by the public and many young children will miss this popular piece of equipment. The council will do its best to have this equipment back in use before the school summer holidays.

Fortunately the perpetrators were photographed on CCTV and the police are investigating. Gainsborough Town Council is supporting the police in their investigations.

Gainsborough Town Council welcomes everyone in its parks and facilities and hopes that they are enjoyed to the full. Gainsborough Town Council ask that you please enjoy them and report any defects or suspicious activity to the council and police.