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Health & Safety Policy

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GAINSBOROUGH TOWN COUNCIL                                                                 

Health and Safety Policy


Foreword.. 4

Section A – General Statement of Health & Safety Policy. 5

Section B – Responsibilities and Organisation.. 6

B1      Responsibilities of the Council 6

B2      Responsibilities – Town Clerk. 6

B3      Operations Manager 6

B4    Appointment and Implementation.. 7

B5      Responsibilities – Officers of the Council who let or Control Contracts and Contractors  7

B6      Responsibilities – Line Managers / Supervisors. 7

B7      Responsibilities – All Employees. 8

Section C – Arrangements. 8

C1      Risk Assessments. 8

C2      Consultation. 9

C3      Fire. 9

C4      Accident & Dangerous Occurrences Reporting. 10

C5      First Aid. 11

C6      Supervision & Instruction.. 11

C7      Training. 11

C8      Maintenance. 12

C9      Good Housekeeping and the Workplace. 12

C10    Hazardous Substances. 13

C11    Personal Protective Equipment & Clothing. 13

C12    Display Screen Equipment 13

C13    Contractors & CDM Regulations. 14

C14    Asbestos. 14

C15    Grass Cutting – Safe System of work. 15

C16    Infectious Diseases and Handling Sharps. 17

C17    Open spaces. 18

C18    Noise. 18

C19    Vibration.. 18

C20    Young Persons – (under 18 years old) 19

C21    Use of Mobile Phones whilst driving. 19

C22    Travel and Transport 19

C23    Work on or Near Highways. 19

C24 Working at Heights. 19

C25    Manual Handling. 20

C26    Electricity. 20

C27    Lone Working. 21

C28    Music and similar events. 21

C29    Cemetery – Headstones and Monuments. 21

C30    Legionella. 21

C31    Joint Working Arrangements with other Organisations. 21

C32    Health of the Workforce. 22

C33   Stress. 22

C34    Pregnant workers. 22

C35    Monitoring. 23

C36    Audit, Review and Annual Performance Reporting. 23

Document History

Adopted by Council –

Reviewed & Adopted –

Reviewed & Adopted –

Reviewed & Adopted – 8 September 2021


Organisations which perform well and have high standards of safety and health are often the most successful.  It has been demonstrated time after time that high performing organisations are committed to the application of sound and effective management of health and safety which is fully integrated into their operations.

This policy clearly illustrates the Council’s commitment to health and safety and welfare of all employees whilst at work. Our duty also extends to ensuring Council activities do not detrimentally affect others.

To this end the Council requires the support and co-operation of all employees. Indeed, working together, we can create an even safer place of work.

1.      Section A – General Statement of Health & Safety Policy

Gainsborough Town Council regards health and safety as a matter of prime importance and will at all times ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of all employees. The Council shall also ensure so far as reasonably practicable that activities of the Council do not in any way cause detriment to the general public, contractors and other non-employees.

It is the policy of this Council that health and safety is and shall remain a management responsibility equal to that of any other function.

A positive health and safety culture can only exist with the full co-operation and commitment of staff.  Management shall ensure that effective control of health and safety is achieved through ensuring co-operation and communication with all employees within the organisation and by ensuring competence of those employees.

Health and safety plays a vital role in achieving the commitments of the Council. The Council also acknowledges the significant benefits accruing from positive & pro-active health and safety management and the input such management can make into achieving “Best Value” and quality services. 

This Council believes that accidents and occupational ill health incidents are preventable and to this end, using the risk assessment tool, shall endeavour to manage risks to prevent or at least minimise the occurrence of these incidents.  Risks shall, where possible, be reduced to a reasonably practicable level.

It is equally the duty of all employees to exercise responsibility and to do all that is reasonable to prevent injury to themselves and to others that may be affected by their actions or omissions.

This Council will ensure that appropriate consultation with employees and/or their recognised trade unions will take place on matters affecting their safety and orhealth.

The Council acknowledges its legal responsibilities to appoint competent contractors.  All reasonable steps shall be taken to ensure contractor’s competency and adequate steps taken to monitor their activities in consideration of health and safety requirements.

This policy shall be reviewed biennially, and any amendments shall be brought to the attention of all Council Members and Council Employees.

2.      Section B – Responsibilities and Organisation

APPENDIX 3   B1     Responsibilities of the Council

The Council, through its elected Members and Committees has responsibility for:

To meet these responsibilities the Council shall ensure:

B2     Responsibilities – Town Clerk

The Town Clerk is responsible for giving overall effect to the Council’s health and safety policy and will, as necessary review the effectiveness of the policy and of the personnel under his/her control to whom various aspects of health and safety have been delegated.

The Town Clerk is nominated, as the “Safety Champion” and he/she shall, where possible, ensure Health & Safety issues are adequately represented / communicated at corporate level.

The Town Clerk willrecommend to the Council that at all times there are adequate resources to meet the health & safety requirements of the Council and will, as necessary, review the effectiveness of arrangements and the personnel under his/her control to whom various aspects of health & safety have been delegated.

The extent of various aspects of health & safety legislation, together with training, administration and the day to day working requirements justify the need for the Town Clerk to delegate to personnel under his/her control and to use the services of external competent assistance where necessary.

B3     Operations Manager

To maintain the Town Council Health and Safety policy, manual and records of risk assessments, reporting any concerns in a timely manner.

To conduct full Health and Safety induction training with all staff and maintain individual training records for each Employee.

B4    Appointment and Implementation

In accordance with the Management of Health and safety at Work Regulations and in view of the essential need for competent assistance to be available to the Town Clerk at all times the Council shall: Appoint competent persons to carry out all Health and Safety undertakings, arrange for appropriate information and training and implement all necessary measures to meet with current Health and Safety requirements.

B5     Responsibilities – Officers of the Council who let or Control Contracts and Contractors

Such Officers shall ensure that:

Also, such Officers shall ensure that procedures 1 to 6 of section C13 of the Health and Safety Policy are strictly applied to all contracts.

The level and quantity of precautions taken must always be proportionate to the actual level of risk present.

B6     Responsibilities – Line Managers / Supervisors

Line Managers / Supervisors shall ensure that instructions relevant to the Council and the Section concerning health and safety are practiced and that the necessary information, policy and codes of practice are disseminated to, and effected by, employees for whom they are responsible.

Specifically, Line Managers / Supervisors shall ensure that:

B7     Responsibilities – All Employees

Employees shall:

3.      Section C – Arrangements

C1     Risk Assessments

Risk assessment is the foundation of this Council’s Health, Safety and Risk management programme. Without risk assessment we are unable to identify and control true risk.

The Town Clerk and by delegation the Operations Manager are responsible for ensuring suitable risk assessments are produced and maintained relevant for all significant risks and that adequate controls are provided.

Adequate training shall be provided to the Operations Manager to assist him/her in the risk assessment procedure.

The Operations Manager shall identify hazards and evaluate risks produced by the Council’s activities.  Where this assessment highlights a significant risk, the Officer shall record his/her findings on the authority’s risk assessment pro-forma.  A copy of these assessments shall then be forwarded to the Town Clerk. The Operations Manager MUST ensure that staff are made aware of the significant findings of all relevant risk assessments.  Indeed, wherever possible employees shall be consulted during the risk assessment exercise.

Risk assessments shall be reviewed and amended as necessary, by the Operations Manager:

Action Plans

Risk assessment is, however, but a process and implementation of the final action plan is essential.  Therefore, action plans shall be produced by the Line Manager for all outstanding works determined from the risk assessment process.  This action plan shall be agreed and signed off only by the Town Clerk and reviewed by the Operations Manager after 6 months.  Implementation of the final action plan is essential to ensure that the Council meets it legal obligations.

Health and Disability

A full assessment of an individual’s ill health or infirmity must form part of the process. The issues from any underlying conditions whether of an acute or chronic nature are to be considered, so that the risks to the employee and others who may be affected by the employee’s acts or omissions are fully assessed. It is important to note that Health and Safety requirements take precedence over disability legislation.

C2     Consultation                    

The facility for joint consultation on health and safety matters shall be included within the regular staff meetings. Notwithstanding this mechanism all employees shall be encouraged to bring to the attention of management any concerns or indeed suggestions regarding health and safety.  

C3     Fire

Gainsborough Town Council shall be responsible for the fire safety across all sites under their ownership and/or management.  They shall:

C4     Accident & Dangerous Occurrences Reporting

Details of all accidents will be recorded in an accident book and investigated by the appointed person with support from the respective line manager. The requirements of RIDDOR will be followed in respect of any reportable accident or dangerous occurrence. Action considered necessary to prevent a recurrence will be taken, and a report submitted to the enforcing authority.

RIDDOR reportable accidents and dangerous occurrences can be reported to the HSE Reporting Centre by:


 If the accident etc. is reported by phone, the operator will give an incident number. It is important to record the number in the Accident Book and quote in any subsequent correspondence relating to the incident. The RIDDOR reporting centre will take details of the incident and they will produce the Form F 2508 and they will send a copy to the employer of the injured person.                     

There are several reasons why it is essential that all accidents/incidents (including near misses) be recorded and reported if required by RIDDOR. These include:

The following procedure should be followed selectively in the event of an accident or near miss:

If any member of the public, visitor or uninvited visitor is involved in an accident or is injured, details must be entered in the Accident Book. Details of all accidents will be recorded. The requirements of RIDDOR will be followed in respect of any reportable accident or dangerous occurrence (see 2.5).

Where an accident or reportable incident occurs on a site controlled by our customer, a senior representative of our customer will be informed, involved in any investigation, and consulted on subsequent action taken to prevent a reoccurrence.

If any member of the public, visitor or uninvited visitor is involved in an accident or is injured, details must be entered in the Accident Book. Details of all accidents will be recorded. The requirements of RIDDOR will be followed in respect of any reportable accident, near miss or dangerous occurrence.

Where the Health & Safety Executive or other enforcement agency provides advice, information, or guidance in respect of our work activities and operations, this will be implemented as a matter of priority. The accident performance will be closely monitored, and preventive action taken if required; this could include employee training, review of risk assessments, safe systems of work and method statement, use of alternative work equipment, PPE etc.

C5     First Aid

Suitable and appropriate first aid equipment and expertise, appropriate to the assessment of risk and need, is provided in accordance with legislation and codes of practice, to all employees regardless of their work situation.

The Operations Manager must ensure that used first aid equipment is replenished and training for staff is provided to ensure that adequate first aid cover is maintained at all times.

First Aiders shall keep records of all first aid administered.

Managers shall ensure that names of First Aiders are displayed in premises for the information of employees.

C6     Supervision & Instruction

Adequate supervision and instruction, appropriate to the level of risk present and the employee’s competency shall be provided to all work activities.

To be able to determine the necessary level of instruction and supervision the line manager shall be competent as regards the identification and recognition of hazards within their work activities.

Managers/supervisors are required to instruct employees of all relevant policies and guidance, to monitor the effectiveness and initiate any steps necessary to improve safe working conditions or practices.

C7     Training

Training is essential to ensure staff acquire the necessary skills, knowledge, and attitudes to make them competent and therefore remove or reduce risk.

Training needs shall be identified by the Town Clerk and the Operations Manager. The need for health and safety training shall be identified within risk assessments and at staff appraisals. 

In addition, training needs shall be assessed at:

Specific training requirements:

The Operations Manager shall arrange for adequate training including:

C8     Maintenance

Maintenance of plant and equipment, upon which personal safety depends, will be the responsibility of managers/supervisors who will ensure that there are proper arrangements for:

C9     Good Housekeeping and the Workplace

This Council considers good housekeeping to be a key issue in accident prevention and an issue everyone must assist in.

There shall be proper arrangements for the storage of clothing, tools, supplies and waste.  There shall also be provided and properly maintained clean work areas, washing/toilet/mess rooms.

Managers/supervisors shall ensure that all accesses and egresses in the workplace, including corridors, gangways, stairs, thoroughfares, etc. are maintained in a safe and clean manner.

All reasonable measures shall be taken to ensure suitable temperature, humidity, lighting, and space requirements within all working environments.

Risk assessments should include reference to the above.

C10  Hazardous Substances

The Operations Manager, using the Council’s COSHH assessment pro-forma, shall suitably assess all substances hazardous to health within the workplace.  Where possible hazardous materials shall be substituted by non-hazardous or less hazardous substances.  Health and safety data sheets shall be requested from the manufacturer or supplier of all substances.  All relevant details shall be made available for employees who shall be instructed to read the information prior to use.

The Operations Manager shall ensure that:

Gainsborough Town Council shall ensure that all Contractors and their Sub-contractors provide, on site, suitable COSHH assessments and appropriate hazard data sheets.

C11  Personal Protective Equipment & Clothing

Suitable personal protective equipment and/or clothing (PPE & PPC) shall be supplied where a risk assessment has identified a need.  Where PPE/PPC is required the manager/supervisor shall ensure that an assessment has been carried out to ensure the correct type has been purchased and that it fits all employees correctly.

All reasonably practicable measures shall initially be taken to remove the risk.  Only if the risk remains after this shall PPE be issued.  PPE shall always be the last resort.

Managers/Supervisors shall ensure that PPE is worn where required.  Refusal by an employee to wear the correct PPE shall be treated seriously and disciplinary procedures may be considered.

Employees shall not be charged for the basic provision of PPE/PPC where this has been identified within risk assessments.  Employees may, however, be requested to supplement the cost of PPE/PPC where employees request PPE/PPC that incurs costs above the cost of the basic provision.  The line manager must ensure that all equipment provided meets full CE accreditation and is suitable for the risks present.

C12  Display Screen Equipment

Display screen equipment as defined within the Health & Safety (Display Screen) Regulations 1992 (as amended) and associated workstations shall be provided and maintained in accordance with legislation.

The appointed person must ensure that all users of display screen equipment shall be assessed to determine whether they are habitual users as defined within the Health & Safety (Display Screen) Regulations 1992.  Where this assessment proves the employee to be a habitual user a full assessment of the equipment, workstation and environment should be undertaken immediately. 

Employees are entitled to an initial free eyesight test at the Councils nominated ophthalmic optician where the employee is identified as a habitual user. 

C13  Contractors & CDM Regulations 

In accordance with the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007, only suitable, competent, and appropriately qualified contractors shall be engaged.  Where a contractor is engaged the Officer/Manager responsible for the contract shall:

C14  Asbestos

No asbestos containing products shall be used or stored by the Council.

An asbestos register shall be maintained, and asbestos installations treated and/or competently removed according to risk.

The Town Clerk shall ensure any exposure details and medical records are maintained.

A competent contractor shall be appointed to carry out all removal, handling, and disposal of asbestos except in some circumstances where it is deemed of low risk and sporadic in which case a suitable risk assessment and method statement will be produced and communicated to the relevant employees.

C15  Grass Cutting – Safe System of work


Employees must not operate a machine unless they have been instructed in its use and have read the instruction books for the machine they are to operate.

Before any motor mower is operated, it must be checked for safety and mechanical faults as follows:

Any machine or equipment found to be defective must be reported to management immediately and the defect remedied prior to the machine being used.

Personal Protective Equipment

Protective footwear must be worn when using grass-cutting machines.

Where excessive noise levels are experienced, ear defenders provided shall be worn.

Face protection should always be worn while using a strimmer or other similar type of equipment.

Starting the Engine

Ensure that brakes are applied (if fitted), drives are in neutral, and bystanders are clear of the machines.

Do not run the engine in a building without adequate ventilation.

While Using the Machine

Prior to mowing, the area must be inspected for items hidden within the grass i.e., large stones, nails etc.

During mowing the operator should continue to watch for objects in the grass that may be ejected from the mower.

Directly prior to using the machine, check again to ensure that all parts are in good working order including security of cutting blades, paying particular attention to tyres, steering, brakes, and lights if these are fitted to the machine.

Always observe the Highway Code, both on and off the roads, keep alert and aware at all times, remember that some people have limited sight, hearing and mobility and that children and animals can be unpredictable.

Keep travelling speeds low enough for an emergency stop to be effective and safe under all conditions at all times.

Take special care when reversing and ensure that the area behind is clear of obstructions.

Do not transport with the cutting mechanism rotating.  Make sure that the cutting units are securely fastened in the transport position.

Remove or avoid obstructions in the area to be cut, thus reducing the possibility of causing injury to yourself and bystanders.

When using rotary machines, you must not walk backwards when mowing – you could slip and pull the machine on top of you.  When cutting long grass, walk forwards, pulling the mower behind you.

Do not float mower over gravel paths – it is grass cutter, not a stone thrower.

Do not lift or carry a rotary mower while the engine is running.  If it will not float across from one area to another, stop the engine, carry correctly and re-start.

Leaving the Driving Position

Park or place the machine on level ground.

Before leaving the driving position, stop the engine and make sure all moving parts are stationary. Apply brakes if these are fitted and disengage all drives.

Remove the ignition key if this is fitted.


Take extra care when working on slopes. Always be aware of ground conditions and undulations in the landscape. Avoid ground conditions that can cause the machine to slide. Always engage safety precautions (roll-bars, seat belts etc)

DO NOT TAKE RISKS when cutting banks with a rotary mower (Flymo type).  Always stand on the level part at the top and attach a length of rope to the handle of the mower. Cut by lengthening the rope to lower the mower. When using a rope, be sure to keep it away from moving parts of the engine. Be sure that the rope attachment to the machine is secure.

Blocked Cutting Units – Cylinder and Rotary Machines

On rotary machines you must first disconnect plug lead(s) from sparking plug(s).  Release blockages with care. Keep all parts of the body away from the cutting edges. Beware of energy in the drive that can cause rotation when the blockage is released.  Keep other people away from the cutting units. Pay special attention when cleaning multi-cutting unit machines, as the rotation of one cylinder or rotor can cause others to rotate. Always use appropriate PPE when clearing machines.

Adjustments and Maintenance

On rotary machines, you must first disconnect plug lead(s) from sparking plug(s). When adjusting cutting of cylinders, take care not to get hands or feet trapped when rotating the cylinder.   Make sure that other people are not touching any cutting unit. Again, on multi-cutting unit machines, rotation of one cylinder or rotor can cause the others to rotate.

When refuelling, you must first stop the engine. Do not smoke. Always use a funnel to pour fuel into the tank, from the can.  Do not spill fuel on hot components.

You must always clean your mower at the end of the day, particularly around the carburettor controls. A clean machine always works better and lasts longer than a dirty one.

Chain Saws & Loppers

Motor or electric powered chain saws and loppers shall only be used and maintained by operatives who have completed the approved certificated course and have where necessary received the required refresher training.

Use of this machinery shall be in accordance with the safe working manual and no use of the chainsaw or lopper shall take place other than from ground level.

Any tree work requiring working at heights shall be let to a competent contractor unless appropriate training has been undertaken by Gainsborough Town Council Grounds Maintenance Operatives.

All necessary protective equipment shall be worn by both the operator and any assisting operatives.

Due regard shall be had for the public and whenever such work is undertaken, suitable isolation of the felling area shall be made prior to commencement of the work.

C16  Infectious Diseases and Handling Sharps

Where it is identified by risk assessment that an activity includes an unacceptable risk of infectious disease then reference should be made to the significant findings.

Employees dealing with syringes and needles MUST follow the safe systems of work that is provided.

Dealing with contaminated syringes or other sharps

Staff may come across both used and unused hypodermic needles whilst carrying out their normal everyday duties.  This document sets out the precautions required and the safest method of work to handle and dispose of these needles safely.


When dealing with hypodermic needles the greatest danger is that of a puncture wound and the possibility of a subsequent infection.

The greatest infection risk associated with a puncture wound is Hepatitis B virus.  However, this risk is considered low, as the virus will only survive outside of the body for a short period of time. At room temperature this may, however, be up to seven days.

The risk of a HIV infection from a needle stick injury is considerably less than Hepatitis B. The HIV virus is extremely fragile and cannot survive outside of the body. Once exposed to air the virus will not survive. Puncture wounds may also cause Thrombosis.


The Operations Manager shall consider the potential of employees unexpectedly encountering a needle and produce a suitable risk assessment where there is such a risk.

Only staff that has been given the correct equipment and training should handle hypodermic needles. This equipment should include a suitable pair of gloves, a sharps bin and a pair of tongs/tweezers.

Staff should always remain vigilant when working in “risk areas” exercising extreme caution during the handling of needles.

When carrying plastic sacks do not allow the bag to brush against the body as it may contain an undetected needle.

Handling sharps – Safe system of work.

Should you be required to handle needles or other contaminated sharps, it is essential that you proceed with extreme caution.

Gloves must always be worn during the handling of needles.

Only use litter pickers to pick up syringes and needles.

The needle should then be placed directly into a sharp’s container.

Operatives should return their full sharps containers to their line manager who will replace it with a new one and suitably dispose of the full container.

Should you receive any type of cut or puncture wound during this operation encourage the wound to bleed for a short period.  Where possible the wound should be held under cold running water for several minutes and then protected with a sterile dressing.  DO NOT suck the wound. The injured person and if possible, the offending item should immediately be taken to hospital.

All needle stick injuries must be reported to management immediately.

C17  Open spaces

The Council will ensure that all open spaces managed or owned by it are maintained to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable the safety of all users. This will include all open water, footpaths, trees and furniture fitted in these areas.

The appointed person shall implement provision and control measures for ensuring the above.

C18  Noise

Suitable and appropriate measures, in accordance with the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 and codes of practice, shall be taken to protect the hearing of all employees and visitors.

The Operations Manager shall ensure that a suitable noise risk assessment is in place for all activities that produce or may develop noise levels that exceed the first action level 80d(B)A as defined within the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005.

Where this assessment proves the noise levels exceed the first action level, 80d(B)A, the Operations Manager will ensure that:

Where the assessment exceeds the second action level, 85d(B)A the Operations Manager shall ensure that:

C19  Vibration

The Council recognises that there is a need to reduce prolonged and regular use of high-level vibration hand-held tools and that effective controls are required to minimise the risk of injury to employees.  Whilst accepting the need to continue and improve delivery of services to the community, the Council agrees that all reasonably practicable steps be taken to achieve this minimisation.

The Council has a statutory duty to minimise the risk of exposure to its employees and in doing so it adheres fully with the Vibration at Work Regulations 2005 (the Vibration Regulations). 

C20  Young Persons – (under 18 years old)

The Operations Manager shall carry out a suitable risk assessment for all young persons when either employed by the Council or when carrying out work experience.   

The assessment must:

C21  Use of Mobile Phones whilst driving

Staff who are required to carry mobile phones to ensure their safety and to assist with their service provision must not answer any call or text whilst their vehicle is in motion, with the exception being if the vehicle is fitted with an automated hands free system. Prior to answering any call, they shall ensure that their vehicle is stationary and parked in a safe location. Under NO circumstances shall they make or receive any call, on either Council or privately owned mobile phones whilst driving. Employees are advised to ensure that when driving the phone’s messaging facility is activated. Calls should then be checked and returned only when it is deemed safe to do so.

C22  Travel and Transport

 Integral to service delivery of the Council is the need for travel of employees and transportation of goods and materials.  Such activity will include adequate consideration of health & safety to ensure safety of employees and non-employees.

The Line Manager is responsible for ensuring the vehicle fleet is serviced as required and maintained in a safe and road worthy manner.

Drivers of the vehicles are responsible for checking the vehicle daily and reporting any faults to management or directly to the Town Clerk.

C23  Work on or Near Highways

The Operations Manager shall ensure that a suitable and sufficient risk assessment specific to working on or near highways has been completed if any work activity is to be on the highway or within 450mm of the highway.

All work on highways will be in accordance with the Department for Transport’s Traffic Signs Manual Chapter 8 – Traffic safety measures and signs for road works and temporary situations.

Where it is determined that any signage, cones, or traffic controls are required to carry out works on or near a highway then the Council should firstly ensure that employees are trained in accordance with the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991, and that the responsible authority be consulted.

C24 Working at Heights

The Work at Height Regulations 2005 applies to all work at height where there is a risk of a fall liable to cause personal injury. They place duties on employers, the self-employed, and any person who controls the work of others (e.g., facilities managers or building owners who may contract others to work at height) to the extent they control the work.

The Regulations set out a simple hierarchy for managing and selecting equipment for work at height.

The Regulations require managers to ensure:

  1. minimise the distance and consequences of a fall should one occur.

The Town Clerk and/or persons controlling work at heights or contractors are responsible for ensuring the above duties are complied with.

C25  Manual Handling

Gainsborough Town Council shall ensure that all manual handling activities with a significant risk of injury are suitably assessed in accordance with the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992. This assessment shall be carried out, by the line manager, using competent assistance where necessary and control measures implemented. 

C26  Electricity

Appropriate inspection and testing, in accordance with legislation and codes of practice, shall be carried out on all electrical installations and portable electrical equipment owned by the Council. The Council shall also ensure that only electrical equipment that carries a valid certificate of test is allowed to be brought into Council premises and is suitable for the environment in which it is to be used.

Management is responsible for ensuring the testing of all electrical equipment owned by the Council and for ensuring that all equipment brought on site by third parties has been suitably tested.

Management shall ensure that only competent persons shall be authorised to install, repair, and maintain electrical installations and/or equipment. Specific and detailed regard shall be had to the installation of temporary and/or external installations.

C27  Lone Working

Where lone working is required, the Operations Manager shall ensure that a suitable risk assessment is carried out to establish the hazards associated with the task and the necessary control measures required to eliminate the risk or reduce it to a reasonably practicable level. The Lone Working Policy must be adhered to at all times.

C28  Music and similar events

The Officer responsible shall ensure that where necessary the following are implemented for all indoor or outdoor events organised or managed by the Council:

C29  Cemetery – Headstones and Monuments

The Council will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the stability/safety of all headstones and monuments located within thecemeteries that are within its control.

Inspection and monitoring of Memorials will include:

C30  Legionella

The Council is required to consider the risks from legionella that may affect either its employees or members of the public and take suitable precautions to protect them all. As an employer and as an organisation in control of premises (e.g., a landlord), the Council must:

  1. and assess sources of risk.
  2. a management plan for preventing or controlling the risk at each water system.
  3. a suitable management programme and appoint a person to be responsible, sometimes referred to as the ‘responsible person’.
  4. and check that what has been done is effective.

C31  Joint Working Arrangements with other Organisations

The Council, when sharing a workplace (whether on a temporary or permanent basis) shall co-operate with the other employers (and the self employed) to ensure control of health and safety risks both on and off site. Coordination of arrangements and co-operation with other co-ordinators shall be provided as necessary.

This will require where necessary for management to:

C32  Health of the Workforce

The Council will provide adequate Occupational Health provision, in accordance with legislation and/or risk assessments, to identify and control occupational related health risks. 

Employees are required to notify their manager of any condition or illness that may affect their health and safety, or that of others, by their acts and or omissions whilst carrying out their duties.

On notification by the employee of a relevant ill health condition the appointed person shall produce an individual risk assessment which takes into account the individual’s health condition and if it is likely that it may affect their own health and safety or that of others. This assessment will identify the specific hazards relevant; the level of risk; who is at risk and what control measures are required to manage the risk at an acceptable level.  Consideration on whether the individual should be referred to Occupational Health must be given during this process. See section C1.

Following ill health, and prior to an employee returning to their full duties, the Town Clerk shall consider the need for a formal risk assessment during the back to work interview. This should consider whether the individual is suitable to resume full duties and if so, what additional controls are required until the individual is fully fit to resume their full duties. 

C33   Stress

It is the policy of the Council to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that no employee is subjected to a level of stress due to work, which is detrimental to his or her health. The Council aims to create an environment where workplace stress can be dealt with openly and fairly and expects all managers/supervisors to apply this policy and guidance in a consistent and timely manner. The Council also commits itself to investigating all claims of ill health due to workplace stress to ensure appropriate action is taken to prevent any recurrence of the situation.

The Council will take seriously and investigate report(s) from employees about causes of workplace stress and will take preventative and protective measures to reduce the risk.

Workplace stress is recognised as a Health and Safety issue. The main legislation, which is relevant to this subject, is the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, Sections 2 and 7.

C34  Pregnant workers

When advised of pregnancy, line managers/supervisors shall immediately notify the Operations Manager who will arrange for a risk assessment of the pregnant worker’s post to be carried out as soon as possible. This risk assessment shall be carried out by the Operations Manager in conjunction with the pregnant worker and their immediate manager/supervisor.  

C35  Monitoring

Supervisors, with the assistance of the Operations Manager, shall carry out adequate routine inspections of their workplace to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all employees and visitors.

C36  Audit, Review and Annual Performance Reporting                                                                                                       

The Town Clerk shall ensure that a Health and Safety Audit is completed on an annual basis. Contained within the Council’s annual report shall be a section summarising health & safety related incidents with a comparison against previous years. 

A review of this policy shall be made at least every 2 years and at other times when activities, staff structure and accidents/incidents occur or where there are significant changes to legislation.