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Councillor David Dobbie (In the Chair)
Councillor Richard Craig (ex-officio)
Councillor Michael Hopper
Councillor Keith Panter
In Attendance:
Claire Hill Town Clerk
Rachel Allbones Deputy Clerk
Councillor Denise Schofield
RESOLVED to accept the apologies and reasons given.
None received.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Planning and Development Committee meeting held on Thursday 20 December 2018 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
Note: Councillor Craig abstained from voting on the above resolution.
Proposal: Planning application to erect 115no. dwellings
Location: Land adjacent Middlefield Lane, Gainsborough
RESOLVED that Members OBJECT to the application on the grounds that:
Members seek to ensure that the footpath which adjoins the site is not adversely affected by provision of the new estate.
Proposal: Application for advertisement consent for new illuminated fascia, service sign and re-cladding of existing totem
Location: Dexel Tyre & Auto Centre, 69 Bridge Street, Gainsborough
RESOLVED that Members register concerns over unnecessary light pollution and OBJECT to the size of the illuminated sign.
iii. Application Ref No.: 138829
Proposal: Planning permision for a dropped kerb
Location: 8 Riby Close, Gainsborough
RESOLVED that Members have no objections to the application.
Proposal: Planning application to vary conditions 4, 5 and 6 of planning permission 137509 granted 1 June 2018 re: windows, drawings and opening times.
Location: 2a Ropery Road, Gainsborough
RESOLVED that Members have no objections to the application.
Note: Councillor Dobbie abstained from voting on the above resolution.
Proposal: Application to vary condition 4 of listed building consent 137508 granted 1 June 2018 re: approved drawings.
Location: 2a Ropery Road, Gainsborough
RESOLVED that Members have no objections to the application.
Note: Councillor Dobbie abstained from voting on the above resolution.
Proposal: Planning application for the erection of 14no. dwellings – revised scheme following approval of planning permission 136488.
Location: Land North and East of Spring Gardens, Gainsborough
RESOLVED to raise the same concerns as before: –
vii. Application Ref No.: 138884
Proposal: Planning application for demolition of existing buildings and erection of 16no. apartments including landscaping, parking and associated works.
Location: Ropery Inn, 202 Ropery Road, Gainsborough
RESOLVED that Members OBJECT to the application on the grounds of increased traffic, insufficient parking, the density is too high for the area being built on and it is not in keeping with the current surrounding architecture.
viii. Application Ref No.: 138774
Proposal: Planning application for demolition of existing building, and erection of 5no. dwellings
Location: The Cedars Residential Home, Morton Terrace, Gainsborough
RESOLVED that Members support the application as it complements the surrounding architecture.
Proposal: Listed Building Consent for existing fire alarm system for the building to be replaced and upgraded
Location: The Old Hall, Parnell Street, Gainsborough
RESOLVED that Members support the application.
Proposal: Planning application for change of use from pub/restaurant to 18no. residential apartments
Location: The Maltings, 2b Lea Road, Gainsborough
RESOLVED that Members support the application.
Proposal: Planning application for change of use of land to B8 Use (Storage and Distribution) for Self-Storage Facility
Location: Plot 4 Somerby Way, Somerby Park, Gainsborough
RESOLVED that Members support the application.
xii. Application Ref No.: 138921
Proposal: Planning application to vary conditions 1, 2, 3, 6, 11, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24 and 27, and remove conditions 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17, 18, 23, 25 and 26, of planning permission 125020 granted 5th July 2011
Location: Land at Foxby Lane, Gainsborough
RESOLVED to defer the application until the next meeting due to the plans not being available from the WLDC Planning Portal.
Proposal: County matters application PL-0100-18 – New seven classroom extension, studio hall, group rooms, ancillary spaces, and refurbishment of the existing group room with associated external works and increased parking.
Location: Castle Wood Primary Academy, The Avenue, Gainsborough
RESOLVED to note the outcome of the application.
None received.
None received.
Members NOTED the paper received.
Members were invited to make responses to the Initial Draft Bassetlaw Plan.
RESOLVED that Members raised concerns over the lack of mention of the A631 and any future development of it.
Members were invited to respond to the consultation by LCC in relation to the draft replacement SCI.
RESOLVED that Members raised concerns with regards to the reduction in the audience LCC were targeting, and felt they were taking away democracy from some residents.
Members NOTED that there will be a Green Infrastructure Assessment report for comment in April 2019.
Meeting concluded at 8:43pm