This year, Remembrance Sunday falls on 10th November, Gainsborough Town Council, All Saints Parish Church and the Royal British Legion Gainsborough branch invite the community to join us as we come together to remember and honour those who have fought for our freedom.

A Service of Remembrance will take place at All Saints Parish Church at 10:00am, followed by a ceremony at the War Memorial at approximately 10:55am.

A Two Minute Silence will be observed at 11 o’clock and the Last Post and Reveille will be played, before wreaths are laid. Members of the public and local organisations are invited to lay their own Remembrance symbolor wreath.

The Mayor of Gainsborough Councillor Kenneth Woolley said: “The Greatest honour for any Councillor or Mayor is the laying of a wreath of remembrance.  The massive sacrifices that were made by so many, to allow us to have the freedoms we have today should never be forgotten.”

Reverend Canon Steve Johnson writes that “This year we will be holding the Annual Civic Remembrance Service on Sunday 10th November 2024 in All Saints’ Church in Gainsborough, beginning at 10am.  Following the service we will process to the War Memorial in time to mark the two minute silence at 11am and the laying of wreaths. This year in All Saints’ Church there is a Remembrance Sculpture called Ten Times Ten, designed and made by Elaine Nash and Alan Jackson. The sculpture is on view from Thursday 7th November through to Tuesday 12th November. Ten times Ten was first exhibited in 2018, at Doncaster Museum, as part of an exhibition to commemorate 100 years since the end of WW1“. 
