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Present: Councillor Matthew Boles (Chairman)
Councillor David Dobbie
Councillor Keith Panter
Councillor Denise Schofield
Councillor Baptiste Velan
In Attendance:
Tom Clay Town Clerk
Rachel Allbones Deputy Clerk / RFO
Sean Alcock Operations Manager
Councillor Chris Lambie
None declared.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Management and Finance Committee meeting held on Tuesday 18 February 2020 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
Note: Councillors Dobbie, Panter and Velan abstained from voting on the above resolution.
Members received and considered the internal audit report 2019/20 and noted matters arising.
RESOLVED that Members noted the Internal Audit Report and matters arising.
RESOLVED to accept the recommendation to agree to Option 1, the creation of a new lease with Rivervale for the Tipper (which would lead to 36 payments of £425.05) and to instruct the Town Clerk to set up the new arrangement.
Note: Councillor Dobbie abstained from voting on the above resolution.
Meeting concluded at 7.11pm