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Present: Councillor Matthew Boles (Chairman)
Councillor Paul Key
Councillor Keith Panter
Councillor Baptiste Velan
In Attendance:
Tom Clay Town Clerk
Rachel Allbones Deputy Clerk / RFO
Sean Alcock Operations Manager
Councillor Harry Clarke
Councillor Denise Schofield
None declared.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Management and Finance Committee meeting held on Tuesday 9 June 2020 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
Note: Councillor Key abstained from voting on the above resolution.
Members considered the ratification the emergency decisions made during the coronavirus pandemic lockdown measures before remote meetings were set up, which were as follows:
RESOLVED to ratify the emergency decisions made during the coronavirus pandemic prior to remote meetings taking place, those being: –
Committee received and considered the following reports:
RESOLVED that Members accept and approve the following reports: –
Committee considered sign off of the monthly bank reconciliation for the months of March 2020, April 2020, May 2020 and June 2020 as per the paragraph 2.2 in Financial Regulations.
RESOLVED to accept and sign off the Bank Reconciliation for 31 March 2020, 30 April 2020, 31 May 2020 and 30 June 2020.
Committee considered a report and specification relating to the Town Council’s internal audit arrangements.
Note: Councillor Key abstained from voting on the above resolution.
RESOLVED under Standing Order 10.a.xi to exclude the press and public from the meeting in respect of confidential or other information which is prejudicial to the public interest.
Note: Councillor Boles abstained from voting on the above resolution.
Note: Councillor Key voted against the above resolution.
Committee received and considered complaints as per the Council’s Complaints Policy.
RESOLVED that members note the complaint and the action taken in response.
RESOLVED that members note the complaint and actions taken by the Community Services Committee, note the fact the Town Council has no authority currently to override a decision taken by the Foxby Hill Allotment Committee and that most of the other matters would be resolved when the allotments returned to Town Council management in April 2021.
iii. Love Lane Allotments
RESOLVED that members note the complaint and the actions taken to date.
Note: Councillor Key abstained from voting on the above resolution.
Note: Councillor T Davies arrived into the meeting at 7:40pm.
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk: –
Meeting concluded at 7.47pm