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Councillor Tim Davies (Chairman)
Councillor Matthew Boles (ex-officio)
Councillor Liz Clews
Councillor Caroline Davies
Councillor Keith Panter
Councillor Denise Schofield
In Attendance:
Claire Hill Town Clerk
Rachel Allbones Deputy Clerk to the Council
Sean Alcock Operations Manager
No apologies received.
None received.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Community Services Committee held on Tuesday 12 February 2019 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
Note: Councillors Boles abstained from voting on the above resolution.
The Clerk informed Members that Dr Scott had recently had a positive meeting with the Arts Council and a funding bid will be submitted by the end of the month for funds for 2019 & 2020 Mayflower.
Dr Scott is presenting at the Annual Town meeting her plans for Mayflower 2020.
Members were advised that no further progress has been made.
Members were advised that no further progress has been made.
The Clerk advised that Management and Finance had approved grant submissions by the working group to support the GTC Armed Forces Day and that any grant monies secured are allocated to the event in addition to the existing GTC 2019 / 2020 Armed Forces Day budget.
Members considered the budget for the Armed Forces / Community Day submitted by the working group.
RESOLVED that Members:
Councillor T Davies informed Members that following a funding bid submitted by the Admin Support Officer they had been awarded 100% of their bid totalling £3,203.25.
Councillor C Davies advised that she had spoken with Victoria from the Old Hall who was keen on the idea of a poppy cascade from the tower at the Old Hall but need to organise a meeting with her to figure out the logistics of a poppy cascade from the tower.
Councillor C Davies advised that organisers of the Heckington poppy cascade in 2018 have offered the loan of their netting and potentially poppies if we are short.
Groups are still making poppies of all varieties.
The Clerk advised that the Christmas Lights Switch On is part of a wider sweep of events working in partnership with WLDC and Marshalls Yard and the current focus is on the Gainsborough Garden and Food Festival in June. The Clerk advised that she would be pushing to have a seat on the Town Centre Task Force.
No report to present.
Members received an update in relation to external funding and considered if installation of the Beaumont Street bus shelter is still appropriate
RESOLVED that Committee instructs Officers to:
Members consider applications received.
RESOLVED that: –
App 1) CLIP – award £480 for the purchase of 3 x 3-person tents
App 2) Orchard Project Group – reject as the application does not meet the eligibility criteria, refer the application to the Allotment Sub-Committee meeting.
App 3) Marshalls Sports FC – RECOMMEND to MANAGEMENT AND FINANCE COMMITTEE to wavier the charge for venue hire and pitch hire for the Marshalls Sports FC football tournament in June 2019 and report back to the next meeting for further discussion.
Note: Councillor Panter abstained from voting on the above resolution.
Members NOTED the content of the annual Foxby Hill Allotment site inspection held on 12 February 2019.
Members considered the position in relation to opening hours and gate locking at Richmond Park.
RESOLVED that officers adopt the following regime for Richmond Park until further decision on wider gate locking activity is made: The main vehicular gate is to be locked* when grounds maintenance staff leave the park and the pedestrian gate is to remain unlocked through the evenings and weekends.
*(The registrar service has keys to open vehicle access when required for weekend appointments).
Members considered correspondence received from Gainsborough in Bloom received 4 March 2019.
Some Members were disappointed with Gainsborough in Bloom’s non-activity for 2019 and felt that having a year off could potentially see it not return in future years.
RESOLVED that the draft response as appended to the report be sent to Gainsborough in Bloom.
Members consider proposal for clearance of green waste and reinstatement of compound at the General Cemetery.
The meeting concluded at 8.13pm