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Councillor Tim Davies (Chairman)
Councillor Liz Clews
Councillor Neil Cook
Councillor Caroline Davies
Councillor Keith Panter
Councillor Denise Schofield
In Attendance:
Matthew Gleadell Clerk to the Council
Rachel Allbones Deputy Clerk to the Council
Sean Alcock Operations Manager
Also Present: Simon Nicolson (Spital Hill Secretary)
Graham Thomas (North Warren Secretary)
X1 member of the public
Councillor Matt Boles (ex-officio)
Councillor Sharon Hopkinson
RESOLVED to accept the apologies received and reasons given.
No interests were declared.
Members noted the recommendation.
RESOLVED to write a letter to the allotment holder requesting that they comply to the terms & conditions of the tenancy agreement and to withdraw from allowing his partner to visit the site, allowing the allotment holder 4 weeks to comply. If after 4 weeks the allotment holder does not comply, then a further letter evicting the allotment holder will be sent giving 4 weeks to clear the site.
Note: Simon Nicolson, Graham Thomas and x1 member of the public left the meeting.
Members considered quotations received for tree works in General and North Warren Cemeteries.
RESOLVED to accept quotations from Fenton Forestry to carry out work on fence line of small trees and shrubs at North Warren Cemetery & take down Beech tree at General Cemetery (B&C)
RESOLVED to accept the quotation from Green Cuts to carry out work on trees over hanging The Forum at North Warren Cemetery (D)
The meeting concluded at 5.07pm