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Councillor Tim Davies (Chair)
Councillor Dennis Dannatt
Councillor Keith Panter (ex-officio)
Caz Davies – Royal British Legion (RBL)
In Attendance:
Jessica Flowers Administration Support Officer
Sean Alcock Operations Manager
Councillors noted apologies from Cllrs Clews, Plastow, Schofield and Frank Charlton.
RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Remembrance Sunday & Armed Forces Day Working group 7th June 2019 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
Members noted the current position in relation to budget.
Following advice from Operations Manager, members agreed not to cone Middlefield Lane/close off Pingle close, however office to create no parking signs to go on cones around entrance of site and on the grass verge at Pingle close to attempt to minimise parking disruption without placing anything upon the highway. Members agreed that civic invitees may park on site.
Members discussed the requirement of charity allocation to be for local charities, and now to be chosen after the event.
RESOLVED – to purchase 5x lockable charity collection buckets. (C Davies abstained)
Councillor Davies noted to members that the Act of Remembrance is in place, service sheets have been produced to be handed out at the event.
Members agreed to hold a stewards meeting at 10am on the day of the event in the pavilion. Office to create sheet/pack to hand out so everyone has a copy of safety plans/procedures/rules for bar/food area.
Members noted the current timetables and any changes.
As the stalls now have reached 28, the stall hire will be kept at 30 to allow for any additional bookings.
Cllr Davies noted to the group that following police meetings, they are happy with the event and have no concerns.
Site plans are currently being mapped out.
Hay bales will arrive Friday afternoon, individuals will collect after the event.
Members agreed that the next meeting would be arranged for Friday 28 June 2019 – 3.00pm on site.
Meeting concluded at 10.11am.