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Present: Councillor David Dobbie (Chairman)
Councillor Chris Lambie – arrived at 7:05pm
Councillor Keith Panter
Councillor James Plastow
Councillor Denise Schofield
In Attendance:
Tom Clay Town Clerk
Rachel Allbones Deputy Clerk / RFO
Councillor Matt Boles – ex officio
Councillor Baptiste Velan
None received.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Planning and Development Committee meeting held on Tuesday 25 February 2020 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
RESOLVED Committee ratified planning responses made through the emergency decision process during the coronavirus pandemic lockdown measures.
Proposal: Planning application for two storey side extension and single storey rear extension.
Location: 25 Nelson Street, Gainsborough
RESOLVED that no objection be made.
Proposal: Planning application for a two storey side extension.
Location:41 North Parade, Gainsborough
RESOLVED that no objection be made.
Proposal: Planning application to erect 5no. 2 bed apartments
Location: 49 Church Street, Gainsborough
RESOLVED Committee instructed that the number of apartments should be reduced to increase the provision of off-street parking.
Proposal: Planning application for installation of security fence to rear, repairs to cracked lime plaster throughout, and minor external repairs.
Location: 21 Market Place, Gainsborough
Members NOTED the decision.
Proposal: Listed building consent for installation of security fence to rear, repairs to cracked lime plaster throughout, and minor external repairs.
Location: 21 Market Place, Gainsborough
Members NOTED the decision.
Proposal: To change the use of the unit from A2, B1 and D1 to a
Beauty Salon (Sui Generis).
Location: Unit 008, Mercury House, Willoughton Drive, Gainsborough.
Members NOTED the decision.
RESOLVED that the matter be deferred to the next meeting for further consideration. That the Deputy Clerk is to inform WLDC that the Committee is still considering the matter. It was further resolved that before the next meeting Committee members would circulate a list to each of names with local importance which would form the basis for consideration at the next meeting.
RESOLVED that the Committee supports the list of road names put forward.
Note: Councillor Plastow abstained from the vote.
None received.
No update received.
Committee noted that the plan has been submitted and is out for consultation (ends 20 July 2020) before consideration by the independent examiner. The submitted documents can be viewed at: https://www.west-lindsey.gov.uk/my-services/planning-and-building/neighbourhood-planning/all-neighbourhood-plans-in-west-lindsey/gainsborough-town-neighbourhood-plan/
Committee further noted that it is not clear when a referendum could take place and it could be pushed back until spring 2021.
RESOLVED Committee instructed officers to approach WLDC to see what training is available for members, particularly in relation to the Neighbourhood Plan.
RESOLVED that consideration of the matter be deferred until the next meeting.
RESOLVED that consideration of the matter be deferred until the next meeting.
RESOLVED Committee considered the matter and determined that Cllr Velan should be directed towards the Green Infrastructure Study, the Heritage Plan, and the Neighbourhood Plan. The Green Infrastructure Study has in particular ruled out a ramp in the tunnel between the leisure centre and Connaught Road (for use by cyclists and mobility scooters).
Meeting concluded at 7.58pm