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Councillor Tim Davies (Chair)
Councillor Matthew Boles (ex-officio)
Councillor Caz Davies
Councillor Keith Panter
Frank Charlton – Chairman of RBL
In Attendance:
Claire Hill Town Clerk
Jessica Flowers Admin Support Officer
Councillor Kenneth Woolley
RESOLVED to accept the apologies received and reasons given.
RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Remembrance Sunday & Armed Forces Day Working Group meeting held on Friday 8 February 2019 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
Members reviewed the proposed budget,
RESOLVED – to recommend the budget to the Community Services Committee Meeting on the 12th March 2019, as set out within Paper B
Progress to date was noted and the following actions were agreed:
Councillor C Davies to:
*Confirm stage hire.
List entertainment costs and schedule (to date).
To detail to office the business who want their information removed.
To source another company to provide inflatables/children’s activities.
Provide details of booking for ‘War Re-enactors’.
*Confirm 1940’s trio singers at a charge of £50 for travel expenses.
Contact owners of ‘old AMP rose’ parking to discuss using the car park.
Continue update to Risk Assessments as and when we have more information, and compile in a folder to be available on the day.
To source 20 Hay Bales.
*After budget approval from Community Services Committee
Councillor T Davies:
*To confirm/book military vehicle attendance at a current price of £100.
Create notice for local residents, to be displayed 2-3 weeks prior to the event.
To meet with local Police to discuss traffic management on Middlefield Lane.
Request and book skip.
*After budget approval from Community Services Committee
Councillor Panter:
Confirmed Spitfire attendance.
Officers to:
Invite dignitaries for the Act of Remembrance including Lord Left Lieutenant of Lincolnshire, Chair of West Lindsey Council, Mayor of West Lindsey Council and Group Captain Beldon.
Confirm and apply for Events License and PPL Music License.
Log booking forms received.
Book 4 x toilets as per last year.
Obtain Insurance from Councillor Woolley and Loates for First Aid.
Confirm Mule to be available for the event.
Members agreed that at this stage of preparations a monthly meeting would suffice, and it was agreed that the next meeting would be arranged for Friday 29 March 2019 at 9.30am.
Meeting concluded at: 10:14am